Juan Diego Solanas

Список фильмов

Хуан Диего Соланас

Juan Diego Solanas


Актер, Режиссер, Продюсер, Сценарист, Оператор

Дата рождения:

04 ноября 1966

Место рождения:

Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес


Born in Buenos Aires on November 4th 1966, Juan Diego Solanas is the son of one of Argentina's most important directors, Fernando E. Solanas. In 1977, he followed his father to France when the latter fled his country where dictatorship was rife. There, he studied art history and gave free rein to his passion: photography. He became assistant to Felix Monti, his father's cinematographer, before becoming his cinematographer himself for "La Nube" (1998). After directing a lot of commercials he made his first short, "L'homme sans tête", in 2001, and his first feature length movie "Nordeste", in 2005.